You Tube has many great (and some not so great) videos of spiders so I thought I’d do a search and put links to the ones I could find that were worthwhile on this page. If you would like to submit any links, please email them to me here.
National Geographic Tarantulas:
The venomous Goliath Tarantula is the largest spider in the world. What should you do if one lands on you?
National Geographic Fishing Spider:
The fishing spider need neither rod nor reel to lure in tadpoles, fish or frogs. No catch and release program here!
Tarnatula Hawk vs Tarantula:
Watch a Tarantula Hawk repeatedly sting and paralyze a Tarantula.
National Geographic – Deadliest Bite:
The Brazilian Wandering Spider is a hunter of incredible power and once it targets its victim, the outcome is certain.
National Geographic – Spider Kills Bat:
Care to wager on who wins in a spider vs. bat matchup? See what happens when a bat meets an orb spider in Belize.
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula Moulting:
A perfect moult.
Sydney Funnel Web Vs Wolf Spider.
Spitting Spider Vs Metallic Green Jumping Spider
National Geographic Tarantulas:
The largest spider on earth – the Goliath spider
Tarantula Collection | MONSTER BUG WARS:
Enjoy the battle showdowns between large tarantula species and their various insect opponents.
National Geographic – Bee vs. Jumping Spider:
When they say jumping spider, they’re not kidding. This spider can jump 50 times its body length.
National Geographic – Toe-stabbing Spider:
Australia’s Deadly Dozen : NGC takes a look at the deadly predatory skills of the Sydney Funnel Spider.
Cobalt Blue Tarantula Feeding:
Feeding Video of Haplopelma lividum.
Deadliest Spider Bite:
Funnel-Web Spider.
Theraposa blondi Breeding:
A breeding pair of Theraposa blondi.
Kung Fu Mantis Vs Jumping Spider.