Another one of the writing activities for our Spider Theme was to write a letter telling someone why not to be afraid of spiders. The children wrote some very convincing letters and I often receive emails from people who are afraid of spiders and found our letters to be helpful to them.

Table of Contents
James’s Letter
Dear Chris,
I am writing to you to tell you why you should not be afraid of spiders. I have 4 reasons.
You should not be afraid because you are about 50 times the size of a spider and they are afraid of you. I once saw a spider running from me.
You should not be afraid of spiders because they will only attack / bite you when you annoy them, try to hurt them or they feel threatened by you. A Huntsman once bit me but I was not angry because I knew he was only defending himself.
You should not be afraid because only about 30% of spiders are poisonous and the rest will only bite. It will only hurt a little bit but it will not kill you or do you any harm apart from the pain of the bite.
You should not be afraid because there are only 2 spiders in Australia that could kill you and they are very rarely seen.
I hope this has helped you.
Yours sincerely,

Travis’s Letter
Since your Arachnophobia is becoming worse I have decided to write you this short letter expressing how and why you should overcome your fear. Here are some tips.
The first thing you should know about spiders is that they are shy, little critter that thinks you are a giant not a human and they won’t chase after you! Have you ever been chased by a spider? No? Spiders would only be defensive not offensive and are more afraid of you than you are of them.
Not all spiders are deadly actually I think I read somewhere that only 25% of all known spiders are venomous but still don’t go and touch or picking up any.
Finally, the other reason is that spiders are extremely helpful because they eat the pests that eat all the stuff in your house in fact if there were no spiders we’d be up to our rooves with insects. I think that’s it, yep. So, that’s it.
Yours sincerely,

Sam’s Letter
Dear Kaitlin,
Spiders are helpful to humans because they eat bugs and if we didn’t have spiders we wouldn’t be hear. Spiders are more afraid of you then you are afraid of them. It would be better if you liked spiders because then you won’t be so scared and you could go outside without some spray or a broom.
Your sincerely,

Kaitlin’s Letter
Dear Rachel,
You shouldn’t be afraid of spiders because they don’t hurt people. They only hurt people if you annoy them. I have a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid of spiders.
They help us by eating all the insects that hurt us like mosquitoes and flies that carry diseases, grasshoppers and locusts which destroy crops.
If you are still afraid of spiders you should try taking care of one. You can buy spiders at pet shops. But you’ll have to love it and feed it.
Yours sincerely,

Chris D’s Letter
Dear Chris,
You should not fear spiders just because of the stories you have heard. Spiders are actually very helpful to humans because they eat harmful insects that destroy crops like locusts and grasshoppers.
Once down in Melbourne it was a rainy day and there was an army of ants in our house and there was like 50 spiders behind our computer and boxes and all the spiders started eating the ants till they were full and the rest fled back to their burrow.
That was just one of the encounters I had with spiders.
Yours sincerely,
Chris D

Chris G’s Letter
Dear Harry,
You shouldn’t be afraid of spiders. Last year I was afraid of spiders too, I think what made me braver was my spider project and my spider tasks.
I think a way to get braver with spiers is to get a pet spider or check out the spider pages on the Internet because spiders will only hurt you if you hurt them.
Most spiders will run away from you when they see you. One thing to remember is never touch, play or hurt spiders. Anyway spiders help us humans because they eat harmful insects like grasshoppers, which eat crops and flies that carry diseases.
Yours sincerely,
Chris G

Rachel’s Letter
Dear Kaitlin,
How are you? Still afraid of spiders? Well, I have some reason not to be afraid of spiders. Firstly, they will only harm you if you harm if you harm them. Only very few spiders can harm you badly. In fact, only about 30% of spiders are harmful to human.
I know that’s not enough to convince you not to be afraid of our eight-legged friends. So another thing would be, they are even more scared of you! To them you are just one huge giant squishing machine! It would be silly to be scared of something that thinks you’re a giant!
One more reason, that’s if you are still scared. Spiders can be very useful by catching all the flies and mosquitos that carry diseases. They also eat the grasshoppers and locusts that which destroy crops. Another two things they eat are ants cockroaches. What a horrible diet to have, full of little pest such as these!
I studied them and I now realise how friendly they can be!
Yours sincerely,

Max’s Letter
Dear Nathan,
Do you know that you shouldn’t be afraid of spiders because they are helping us to kill insects like mossies, flies and other insects that harm us? If you don’t hurt spiders they won’t hurt you, if they are in your way just get a glass and plate and pick up the spider and put it into the garden.
Don’t be scared of spiders and do not annoy them or they will attack you so don’t be scared of spiders. So if you see one in your house don’t scream just get something to lift it and put it out side.
Yours sincerely,