Habitat and Biology: In summer, male Nicodamus peregrinus spiders leave their web, during daylight hours, and wander in search of females. This wandering habit often brings them indoors. Due to the red and black colour, the spider is often confused with the red-back spider and, as red is a common warning colour, the spider is […]
Ground Spiders
Ground spiders (family Gnaphosidae) are reddish, brown, gray, striped, black spiders, and include nearly 2,000 described species in over 100 genera, distributed worldwide. This makes the family the seventh largest known. New species are still being discovered. They are closely related to Clubionidae. Common genera include Gnaphosa, Drassodes, Micaria, Cesonia, Zelotes and many others. Generally, ground spiders are characterized by having barrel-shaped anterior […]
Silver Orb Spider
The Silver Orb spider’s botanical name is leucage dromedaria. It gets its common name from its bright silver abdomen. It is a member of the suborder of spiders called araneomorphs. This means that the fangs have a side-to-side operation. It is the size of a 20c piece and it hangs upside down in its web. Habitat: Silver orb […]
Common Spiders Australia
This post gives an overview of the most common spiders in Australia. They are categorized into dangerous and not dangerous spiders. Please keep in mind that the large majority of all spiders around the world and even in Australia are harmless for humans and pets. Not Dangerous Spiders of Australia All spiders can and will […]
Spider Closeup Photos by Kevin Wiener
Came across some beautiful closeups on Facebook from Kevin Wiener who has given me permission to share some of his wonderful spider photos. Click each image for a larger view. Many thanks for allowing me to use these photos. All photos are copyright to their owners and may not be reproduced without permission. First slide show is […]
Jumping Spiders
Jumping Spiders are diurnal animals with excellent eyesight, that pursue its prey and leap upon it. They have an all-round view of thheir surroundings because of their large, central, front eyes. They are about the size of a 20c piece when fully grown, with pin size legs. There are many different species but all jump […]
Thomisidae – Crab Spiders
Here are some photos of Crab or Flower spider photos. Crab spiders belong to the family Thomisidae. They get their name because they move sideways, like crabs. The body is not as hairy as in most spiders. The colour of the spider is adapted to the hunting terrain they use and is mostly extravagant. They live in […]
Sac Spiders
Sac spiders belong to the genus Cheiracanthium and the family Clubionidae. They are quite small and easy to overlook—about 1/4 – 3/8 inch long, with no conspicuous markings. The front legs are longer than the other three pairs. Sac spiders are quite pale. A common house species, the yellow sac spider is pale greenish, tan […]
Funnel-Web Spiders in Australia
The Sydney Funnel-web Spider (Atrax robustus) The Sydney Funnel-web Spider (Atrax robustus) is believed to be limited to an area of about 160 kilometres from the centre of Sydney. Other species of Funnel-Web Spider are found in Eastern Australia, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. They are probably the most venomous aggressive spider in the world, […]
Triangular Spider
Australia has about 9 species of Triangular Spiders, which ambush insects. The Triangular Spiders Latin name is Arkys Lancearias. Its full size is about the size of a twenty cent piece. The abdomen is small and flat. It is shaped from a triangular shape to a heart shape with white circles. The front legs are strong […]