This site was first established by Glen from Australia in 1996 when she was a Year 5 teacher at a school in Brisbane. Over the years, the site developed into one where people from all over the world emailed spider photos, and it is now run by spider enthusiast Michael.
Now, you can find image galleries and information about spiders from all over the world on spiderzrule.com.
The site is divided into three sections:
- Spider Guides and Photos – here you can find images and guide of all common spider species from all around the world.
- Spider Information – Our knowledge base about spiders – from how spiders make their webs to spider anatomy, common home remedies against spider bites and much more.
- Fun and Kid’s Stuff – In this section, you can find some entertaining things about spiders: funny spider memes, spider superstitions and hoaxes, spider songs as well as kid’s poems and stories about spiders.
You can still email me your spider photos as well and I’ll see if I can identify them for you and post them on the Unidentified Spider Photos pages if I can’t!! I do answer all emails, but I will only be publishing really good photos on this new site. Please make sure your photos are clear and show distinguishing features like patterns, eyes etc. I can’t ID a spider from a brown blur (sorry). Thanks!!
Quick Spider Reference Guide
Here’s a Quick Reference Guide to Spiders and their bites and symptoms. The Quick Reference Guide has a pop up box with info about the spider’s bite, symptoms and treatment. Check it out here. There are in depth articles on the Spider Bite Treatment page.
People often get “venomous” and “poisonous” mixed up when referring to a spider bite so I found this image on the left to help you remember! Spiders are venomous not poisonous!

Spider Closeup Photos
One of my viewers, Steve, has kindly sent in some great closeups of spiders. Check out the Closeups Page.
Spider Bite Home Remedies
Check out my page of home grown remedies for spider bites. Often these old time treatments have been passed down through the generations from before it was common to go to a doctor and often they worked well!
But we must also remember that sometimes they didn’t! So while I am publishing them here, I take no responsibility for anyone who tries them and they don’t work!! I will always advocate going to your doctor for any bite that is not healing!! Click here for the page, click here to send in any remedies.
How to get rid of spiders in your home
I get many emails asking me how to get rid of spiders in the home as understandably, a lot of people have a great fear of spiders. Spiders are an important part of the food chain, getting rid of unwanted insects and being food themselves for birds and other animals, so I don’t really advocate removing them. However, I decided to do some research and find some ways that people have found to keep spiders out of their house and included them on a page here.
SpiderzRule Facebook Page
A great way to share your spider photos and maybe have them identified by others, is to check out my Facebook page and Pikkdo Boards.
I regularly post spiders around my home and identify spiders for people who post them on the page as well as post interesting spider related pages and articles. Since I have written several research papers on spiders I have a recommendation for you: If you experience difficulties in your academic paper on spiders, CustomWritings.com – research paper writing service will help you out with your assignment.
Spider Identification
Check out iNaturalist (IOS) (Android) apps to identify plants, animals and spiders. You can also email me if you have great spider photos to share, or you cannot identify a spider that you found yourself.
Spider Legends and Superstitions
“If you wish to live and thrive, Let a spider run alive” – so says an old English saying. This started a search for more spider legends and superstitions, this has been split into two pages – Spider Legends and Spider Superstitions for you to check out. If you have any to contribute, please email me, and I’ll add them to the pages.
Effect of Spider Bites on Pets
I’m often asked about spider bites and pets so have done some research for this page. There is some interesting and maybe helpful info here, so please check it out!
Very Important!
I am not a medical professional, so I have absolutely no qualifications to give advice on medical situations! Please see your doctor! I must also stress the fact that any bite can be dangerous, as even the most harmless of spiders can have an adverse effect on certain people or cause infections if the wound is not properly cleaned. Any spider bite you are concerned about, should be reported to your doctor.
Funny spider memes
Some photos that have been doing the rounds of Australian spiders, so I thought it would be fun to include them on my pages. We really do have spiders this big in Australia but with the exception of the Funnel web, all the others in these memes, are not dangerous. Click here.

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